Friday, February 27, 2009


If you haven't had the opportunity to witness one of the best interviews on the net, here's your chance. Comedian/Talk Show Host Zach Galifianakis welcomes John Hamm on a very special episode of "In Between Two Ferns." Enjoy

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I read this script a month ago and was lucky enough to watch these comedians do a live show. "A Night of FUNNY PEOPLE," was a charity event that allowed Sandler, Rogen and Aziz Ansari a chance to do stand up in front of all of us. It was brilliant. The script is one of the funniest I have ever read. You will love this movie just like the first 2 movies Judd Apatow directed. "Knocked Up" and "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" will forever stay in your memory and this will probably be more successful than both. Enjoy the trailer.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Nicolas Cage has an Oscar!

It's Oscar season and Nicolas Cage didn't do shit worth remembering last year. I came across this collection of terribly wonderful scenes from "The Wicker Man." I didn't want anything to do with this movie, BUT NOW!

hahahhahah he got paid for this. For punching 2 women in the face and screaming at children. Cage for President '12

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Great Weekend for TV!

The best new show on HBO. Eastbound and Down on Sunday Nights. Watch the first 3 and half minutes below and tell me what you think!

Check out this instant classic Flight of the chonchords singing "Too many dicks on the dance floor," from Sunday nights episode.

Family Guy makes light of Christian Bale's terrible situation.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Joaquin Phoenix is crazy!

Joaquin Phoenix has been in the news lately about leaving acting to pursue a music career. After "Walk The Line," there isn't a question of his musical talents but upon further reading he appears to want to be a rapper. Some think this is a just a hoax. But after last night I think it's time to start taking Joaquin a little more seriously. This is one of the funniest/worst interviews I have ever seen. Try to watch the whole thing, without feeling sorry for the man. This could all be a made up or it could be the falling of a great talent.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Finally new Tarantino trailer for "Inglorious Bastards"

Quentin Tarantino has been making some of the coolest films for the past 20 years. Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill already have their place in popular culture forever. Tarantino always packs a great soundtrack that is later used in commercials and pop songs. This film will give you the violence and humor that made you love Tarantino in the first place. Brad Pitt stars in his newest release about men hunting Natzi's. The office's B.J. Novak and Eli Roth co-star in this August 21st release. Enjoy the trailer below.

Asher Roth - I Love College

Finally a song that describes what we are all going through. I mean college students. This song describes my past four years and I can't believe I am barely finding it. Listen to the lyrics and tell me if you haven't done this.

Monday, February 9, 2009

SONG OF THE WEEK: Peter Bjorn and John - Nothing To Worry About

Peter, Bjorn and John made some waves a few years back with "Young Folks." This new single called "Nothing To Worry About," has a sweet sound and video to go along with it. I thought the hair straightening was strange until I watched the entire video. Very cool and different. Check it out below.

Dave Chappelle at Def Poetry Jam.

I haven't seen Chappelle do anything since I was in high school. Chappelle had the funniest sketch comedy show in the history of television and only did 2 seasons. The show lives on forever as one of the most quoteable series on earth. From Rick James to the Black/White Supremacist. Dave Chappelle will forever be remembered as a comedic genious and troubled superstar. Upon wandering the internet all morning I discovered his appearance on Def Poetry Jam. Check out this great poem about Ashton Kutcher.

For more stand-up comedy head to The Laugh Track.

What Happened to Nicolas Cage?

Nicolas Cage had such a promising start. "Raising Arizona" still holds up as the funniest of all the Coen Brothers movies. "Leaving Las Vegas" gave this man an Oscar. "The Rock" was pretty bad ass for how ridiculous the plot was. Then Nicolas Cage realized that he can make 87 bad actions movies (Next, National Treasure) in a row as long as he throws in one dramatic perfomance (Adapation 'which was great') every 10 movies. I just don't ever want to see another movie starring this man again. Maybe all these shitty action movies are missing Sean Connery. Sorry to tell you Cage but Sean Connery retired from acting and won't be there to help you save Alcatraz from terrorists. Let's let the guys at help further acknowledge the demise of the Cage man. Take it away.

Coldplay @ The Grammy's with a very special guest!

I've been a fan of Coldplay since "Parachutes" first came out 10 years ago and it's great to see just how far they've come. Check out this brilliant performance from last night's Grammy Awards. I personally think the Award show has taken a dive but that doesn't take away from the great performances put on last night. Here's Coldplay singing "Lost" with a very special guest and wrapping it all up with "Viva La Vida."

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


TV ON THE RADIO has the Best Album of the year according to Rolling Stone magazine, Entertainment Weekly and Spin. The whole album is worth giving a listen. It has great instrumentals with politically driven lyrics. These boys can be seen as the musical guest this weekend on Saturday Night Live. Their album can also be purchased in stores or on iTunes. For more information check out their website at or to listen to more music by them check their MySpace page

Monday, February 2, 2009

10 Biggest Summer Movie Let-downs! 1999-2008

Okay Summer movies are supposed to be about cheap thrills and big explosions. No one expects to see Oscar-worthy performances and top-notch screenplays. In the last decade, movie studios have started marketing their films years in advance. Internet movie geeks talk up or down these films for so long that it starts to feel a little old. Now by the time the film actually comes out it has nowhere to go but down. Few films rise above this and become Summer phenomenon's a la "Dark Knight" and "Iron Man." Where these movies were successful others failed... Miserably! Here are the Top 10 Biggest Summer Movie Let-downs! 1999-2008.

10. Wild Wild West (1999)

This film could possibly be the worth on this list. I wasn't expecting a great film but was left feeling as if the people at the theatre actually mugged me for my ticket price. This is the worst piece of shit Will Smith has ever done. (Sorry for those of you who hated 7 pounds, but this movie takes the cake) The film was given credibility because of Kevin Kline and then taken away that much faster by his horribly forced dialogue. Salma Hayek was in it to wear tight outfits revealing her great rack and nothing much else. I can't say enough bad things about this movie. I won't even call it a film because that would be giving it too much credit.

9. Shrek 3 (2007)

I could put a picture of that green ogre above this description but i'll save you the trouble. This film was a big let down from the two previous installments that left most of us laughing. I didn't care to see Shrek and the princess have children. The adult factor of the previous two are what made me enjoy them the most. This was clearly an attempt to make more money and $300 million later, I guess they did their job.

8. Pearl Harbor (2001)

Pearl Harbor was a cheap attempt to re-create "Titanic" and I'm sure James Cameron was laughing his ass off watching this. Basically substitute Kate Winslet for Kate Beckinsale as the female torn between two men. Billy Zane and Leo subbed out for Ben Affleck and Josh Hartnett. Switch out an American tragedy for another one. Trade 3 hours for 2 hours and 52 minutes. Add Cuba Gooding Jr., shake well and you have Pearl Harbor. Everyone is waiting for the Japanese to drop bombs but unlike the story or Kate and Jack, we don't care about the girl in this movie. She just seems kind of slutty. Ben Afflecks award-winning performance (Razzie that is) and you have a horrible snore-fest that makes you wish for something better.

7. Matrix Reloaded (2003)

Keanu. Keanu. Keanu. I waited in line for this piece of shit. We need to talk. Soon!

6. Jurassic Park III

Jurassic Park III was awful. One person gets killed and it happens so early in the film, that we never get to know his name. The rest of the film is a series of injuries applied by dinosaurs running into these people. New Yorker's bump into people, dinosaurs would be eating these stupid assholes. William H. Macy must of done this for the money. The worst part about this film is that Alexander Payne wrote the screenplay. That's right America, Alexander (Election, Sideways) Payne. This film killed the franchise. Way to ruin another great Spielberg franchise movie studios (Jaws 3-d)

5. Planet of The Apes (2001)

This sucked more than I can explain by talking anymore about it. Mark Whalberg has done great things, (Departed, Boogie NIghts) but this goes along with the other ones. (The Happening, Max Payne) You're better than this Mark! This is one of those movies that should have been left on VHS after the transfer. I don't even think they can give this away if you buy a Blue-ray disc player.

4. Day After Tomorrow (2004)

Maybe the coolest trailer and poster but this script was awful. I love the message about going green but the film sucked. Dennis Quaid somehow accepted playing a scientist that is almost killed 42 times in a Tidal Wave/Avalanch/Tornado. I don't really know how all this shit happens at once but I know it looked really cool for 6 minutes. The rest of the 2 hours and 30 minutes unfortunately wasn't as cool to watch. Thanks Rolland (10,000 B.C/Gozilla) Emmerich.

3. Indiana Jones and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)

This movie shouldn't have been made. It was talked about for basically my entire life as in development and that Speilber/Ford were waiting for the right script. Was this it? This is what you were waiting for. Because I love Spielberg this movie couldn't take the top of the list. I liked all the actors, ( Blanchett, Shia and Ford) but nothing could save this film. Not flying monkeys or alien plot lines. A refrigerator saving a 60 year-old man from a nuclear bomb? C'mon!

2. Spiderman 3 (2007)

This movie is very disappointing because of how great the first two were. The hairstyle of Tobey Maguire's alter ego was ridiculous. Two possibly great villains (Sandman/Venom) characters were wasted because of too much bullshit with Tobey's new hair cut. This film came out during the summer of three-quels (2007) and was definitely the worst. I hope Spiderman 4 (2011) can redeem what this film did. I hope so. Remember your own words Sam Raimi, "With great power, comes great responsibility."

1. Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace (1999)

Star Wars Episode 1: The Scrapping or Barrel is a more fitting title for this pile of garbage. First of all making people wait almost 20 years for a new chapter in quite possibly the greatest sci-fi series in history , is enough reason to be mad. Then you give us a 45 minute pod-race that doesn't have anything to do with the outcome of the film. Darth Maul was one of the coolest characters in the film and was of course killed off before we knew anything about him. I understand that they had to introduce Anakin Skywalker but did the film have to revolve around him. The cool thing about the first 3 films were the great characters and fights. This film had one big fight that ended of the lives of the two best new characters. Way to think ahead. You know you have two more movies after this piece of shit, right? I unfortunately saw the next two but wasn't ever as disappointed as much because I waited in line 9 hours to see this. Way to go George Lucas. Way to go.

If you feel like I missed something, please feel free to write me an email or comment below.

Top 5 Superbowl Ads from Last Night's Game

5. Career Builder Tips

4. David Abernathy

3. Doritos Crystal Ball

2. Cash 4 Gold MC Hammer and Ed Mcmahon

1. Baldwin Promotes Hulu

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